Participants and Volunteers
What ages will be playing this year?
This year we are offering ages Kindergarten-4th grade for both boys and girls and 5th-6th grade for the boys. To be eligible for the kindergarten league, your child must be actively enrolled in kindergarten. We will not allow pre-school students, even if they are 5 years old.
Our age/gender-based divisions are the same as we have done in the past. We will have the following divisions: Kindergarten Co-Ed, 1st-2nd Grade Boys, 1st-2nd Grade Girls, 3rd-4th Grade Boys, 3rd-4th Grade Girls, and 5th-6th Grade Boys.
What are the important dates for Upward this year (2022-2023)?
Registration Opens: October 3rd
Evaluations: You will receive notification about specific evaluations once you are registered.
Practices: Practices start the week of January 2nd
Games: The first game day will be January 21st
What is the cost for the 2022 Season?
The cost is $70 for the first child registered per family and will reduce $5 each for the 2nd and 3rd child. You will be required to pay when you register via the link provided below.
What can I do to help?
If you are interested in volunteering as a coach or referee, please use the volunteer registration link provided below. We will review those applications and communicate additional information to you.
Participant Registration
Volunteer Registration